
0 Upload file in QC thru QTP

''// This function will upload any file into QC as attachment.


Public function z_attachtoQC(filepath)
                 Set nowTest = QCUtil.CurrentTestSet
                 Set attachmentPath = nowTest.Attachments
                 Set nowAttachment = attachmentPath.AddItem(Null)

                 'Replace with the path to your file:

                 nowAttachment.FileName = filepath
                 nowAttachment.Type = 1

End Function

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0 Cannot get RemoteAgent's ClassID for test type

' Cannot get RemoteAgent's ClassID for test type ' shown in QC when trying to run a QTP test.

Solutions :

Install QTP addin for QC from the QC help->Addin page. Take care to install the appropriate addin based on correct version of QTP.

In QTP, Tools -> Options -> Run
Check the checkbox for “Allow other HP prodoucts to run the test and components"

Restart the machine before trying.
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0 OTA - Reading Name and Address from QC thru vbscript

This function retrives the user and address from QC thru OTA.

Public Function GetProjectUsersList()
    Dim td
    Dim custUsers As CustomizationUsers
    Dim USR As CustomizationUser
    Dim UList As List

        qcLoginID = ""
        qcPassword = ""
        qcUrl = ""
        qcDomain = ""
        qcProject = ""

            Set tdc = CreateObject("TDApiOle80.TDConnection")
            tdc.InitConnectionEx qcUrl
            tdc.Login qcLoginID, qcPassword
            tdc.Connect qcDomain, qcProject

           Set custUsers = tdc.Customization.users
            Set UList = custUsers.users          

            For Each USR In UList
                 MsgBox USR.Name + " : " + USR.Address
            Next USR
End Function
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2 Connecting to QC Site Admin Api - SAClient.SaApi

Using VBScript:

Dim objSAClient, resp
Set objSAClient = CreateObject("SAClient.SaApi.9")
'you have to know which is the correct reference to the SiteAdmin

'then login as admin:
objSAClient.login "http://ipaddress/sabin", qcuser, qcpassword

If you want to know what is the reference for the SAAPI you have to go to the regedit, "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SaClient.SAapi\CurrVer" and see what is the current version and use it.

For QC 9.2 : 
 The URL in the format http://[:]/sabin.

For QC 10.0 : 

 The URL in the format http://[:]/qcbin.
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0 Test Automation Framework - Benefits

Test Automation Framework defines the organization’s way of doing things – a Single Standard. Following this standard, the project team will achieve -

• A test library design that will help in effective team-communication, library-versioning and Artifacts creation.

• Standard scripting that will result in team consistency during test library design and prevent individuals from following their own coding standards, thus avoiding duplicate coding.

• Sparing the Test engineers from knowing the critical aspects of the code. Implemented libraries and codes can be executed by just invoking the needed libraries.

• Test Automation scripts are separated from input data store and only the input data gets manipulated whereas no modification is needed for the test scripts.

• By developing the libraries, they can be reused again and again, saving time for the entire organization/project team.

• Extensibility and maintenance becomes easy, as the re-usable library can be created as an enhanced feature. By giving right role-based access, the standard process of Test Automation scripting can be maintained.
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0 QTP Add-ins

QTP supports following :

ERP/ CRM, Java/ J2EE, VB.NET, Multimedia, XML Web Objects, ActiveX controls, SAP, Oracle, Siebel, PeopleSoft, Web Services, Terminal Emulator,IE, NN, AOL.
QTP will support Ajax testing but you have to install Ajax Addins to use the Ajax application.

Web extensibility now includes an out-of-the-box limited support for standard AJAX controls; a global Window object to be used within JavaScript to access the IE namespace; Extensibility code can now be debugged by the Script debugger or Visual Studio debugger; and there are minor improvements to reporting capabilities.
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0 IIS setting for 64 bit Win 7


Working with 64-bit Systems

Unfortunately there are no 64-bit ODBC drivers, so on 64-bit systems you will have to run your applications in 32-bit mode. To do so, use the following steps:
  1. On the taskbar, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  2. In the Connections pane, click Application Pools.
  3. Highlight the application pool for your application, then click Advanced Settings... in the Actions pane.
  4. In the Advanced Settings dialog, specify True for Enable 32-Bit Applications.
  5. Click OK to close the Advanced Settings dialog.
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0 QC-Business Components fail to run

Failed :
Initialize_Script: You do not have permissions to run business components on this machine. You can change this option in your testing tool's Options dialog box.

Goto QTP Menu Tools>Options and do as below

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0 Steps to call any QTP Action first

You can make QTP to call any Reusable Action to be called first when the Test starts..

Steps to call any QTP Action first.
1. Go to Keyword View
2. Select the Action that you want to call first in the test.
3. Drag it to the topmost position.
4. Save the test and Run.

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0 Cannot launch scanner, verify your QTP installation - SAP TAO

Cannot launch scanner, verify your QTP installation - SAP TAO

- Check the same with any other machine
- Run the Self-Check in SAP TAO
- Restart the server and try to work and see if it is getting solved
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0 HLLAPI DLL was not found

  - If the QuickTest Professional Terminal Emulator Add-in is installed and loaded, but there is no terminal emulator installed on your computer, the following error message is displayed: QuickTest Terminal Emulator support is not configured correctly. Either the terminal emulator is not installed on your computer or the HLLAPI DLL was not found.

Workaround: When you open QuickTest, clear the Terminal Emulators check box in the Add-in Manager. 

You can prevent this message from appearing by adjusting your emulator's configuration settings.
When working with an emulator that does not support HLLAPI, or with an emulator that has been configured as supporting text-only HLLAPI operations, do not change the size of the terminal emulator window after configuring the emulator settings.

When installing a Hummingbird HostExplorer terminal emulator or patches, make sure that QuickTest Professional is closed.

To enable support for a NetManage Web-To-Host Java Client session that is configured to open in a separate window, specify the title of your session window using the Tools > Options > Terminal Emulator > Adjust Configuration > Object identification settings > Identify emulator window based on title bar prefix option.

  • The QuickTest Professional Terminal Emulator Add-in can identify emulator window objects only when the emulator is connected. For example, you cannot use the following statement to connect to an emulator session:

  • TeWindow("TeWindow").WinMenu("Menu").Select "Communication;Connect"
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    0 HLLAPI

    HLLAPI is an acronym for High Level Language Application Program Interface.
    HLLAPI was developed so that external programs can be written to interact with a host session.
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    1 QTP and Terminal Emulator tutorial

    1. Terminal Emulator is an Add-in used to recognize Mainframe Screens/Dos Prompts....what ever is command prompt to be generic...
    2. You need to get the add-in installed for your version of QTP, its available from HP,

    3. Screen & Field's are the two controls that are recognized by this Add-in

    4. Key Press events are functions that operates in case of navigation.

    5. Install it & enjoy.

    To ensure that QuickTest and your terminal emulator integrate successfully while recording a test or component, open and connect your terminal emulator session before recording begins. While running tests or components, you can add a SystemUtil.Run statement to the beginning of your test or component to automatically launch your emulator session from QuickTest. For more information, refer to the Utility section of the HP QuickTest Professional Object Model Reference.

    If your terminal emulator has an option to automatically resize the terminal emulator window according to the font size, then it should be enabled. For example, in the EXTRA! 6.7 emulator, choose Settings > Font > Autosize window to font size.

    You can run tests or components using the QuickTest Professional Terminal Emulator Add-in from other HP products, for example, Quality Center. Before you run these tests or components, make sure you select the required emulator on the computer on which the test or component is to run, using the QuickTest Tools > Options >Terminal Emulator tab.  
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